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Kosharnaya Galina Borisovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Tarkhanova Elena Sergeevna, Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK

316.346.2 (075.8)




Background. Recently, Russian and foreign scientists and practitioners have displayed increased interest to staff career management taking into account gender peculiarities. Primarily this is caused by market economy development and reformation of basic sectors of the society, resulting in a change of attitude to many processes and phenomena and influencing the position of women in the socio-labour sphere. The work purpose is to consider the problems of career development of women at Russian and foreign organizations, as well as to identify the characteristics of management performance depending on gender typing.
Materials and methods. The author used methods of systematic and structuralfunctional analysis, as well as traditional methods of analysis of documents and scientific literature on the researched issues. Special attention is paid to the comparative analysis of gender differences and experiences of career management at Russian and foreign organizations, which was based on secondary analysis of the results of various sociological surveys on the subject.
Results. The main differences career development of women in Russia and abroad are associated with gender-role socialization, social attitudes, structure of society, value orientations and moral principles of the population, and caused by the peculiarities of mentality, historical, socio-political, scientific and technological development of these countries.
Conclusions. In the Russian society, in spite of all its tolerance, strong gender stereotypes, the attitude of women, who rapidly ascend the career ladder and demonstrate high diligence and professional competence, will always be special – from admiration to the condescending skepticism. Unlike Russia, foreign experience of
career management is determined to a greater extent not by gender, but by people’s personal requirements to achieve a high social status, professional and personal development on the basis of their abilities, knowledge, experience, socio-psychological characteristics and temperament. In general, for more efficient functioning and competitiveness of organizations, improving productivity and improving the sociopsychological climate in the team it is necessary to maintain gender balance.

Key words

gender, women, career, career development, personnel, personnel management

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Дата создания: 07.12.2017 22:50
Дата обновления: 08.12.2017 13:08